Historic Site Preservation

Preservation plays a central role in the mission of Sema Hadithi. Preservation and stewardship of historically significant sites of Black and African-ancestor connection in Utah ensure that African Americans' stories, experiences, and contributions in Utah are not lost to time. By discovering and protecting historic sites, Sema Hadithi preserves these essential locales for present and future generations.

Many people interested in older buildings have the false impression that if a building is designated as “historic,” it is somehow automatically protected from destruction. It is not.

Sema Hadithi protects historical sites through preservation easements. A preservation easement is a legal agreement that gives the easement holder a responsibility to protect the visual and structural integrity of a particular historic structure, even though that structure is actually owned by anther person.

The intent of the preservation easement is to prevent anyone from demolishing or severely altering the historic building without the permission of the easement holder.

You can help preserve Black historical sites in Utah.

Is there a site you would like preserved? Fill out the Site Submission Form and we will be in touch.