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About Us
Sema Hadithi Foundation was founded by Robert S. Burch, Jr., in August 2020. Its mission is to tell the story of African-ancestored history, heritage, and culture by researching, preserving, and disseminating information throughout the community.
Tracy Smith, “Utah Coalition to Abolish Slavery launches education campaign,” ABC4 Utah, Sep 22, 2020
“Tribes were displaced and slavery brought here. So how should Utahns view Mormon Pioneer Day?,” Salt Lake Tribune, July 20, 2021.
Rachel Rueckert, “A Rural Community Leading the Way in Stewardship and Preservation,” VisitUtah.com, November 2021
Local News
“Sema Hadithi Foundation is presenting stories of Black people in Utah at its Annual Day of Remembrance and Black History Conference,”, PBS Utah, Aired: 09/29/21, expires: 04/30/22, Rating: NR